
Showing posts from November, 2019


There has always been this witty saying that “procrastination is the thief of time.” Time is in arguably  one of the greatest assets ever gifted to man. Everything that takes place in life goes with the rhythm of time, it remains one thing that is never under man’s control. But we must be fair with that statement above.  I must clearly state it that there’s a big difference between ‘giving it time’ and procrastination. In procrastination, you postpone. It is a negative term and often yields disappointment and bad effects. But when you ‘give it time’, you practice the virtue of patience in ‘sensitive matters.’ So, it would be incongruous  to place procrastination in place of  ‘give it time’. One characteristic of our modern world and society, very notable among the young minds especially is quick decision-making without rationality. Now! You must listen! When someone comes and tells you, "I can't sleep without you, I love you the way you are an...